Sharing Expertise and Fostering Cooperation: ONN participating at INMM/ESARDA Annual Meeting
On 22-26 May, Open Nuclear Network (ONN) participated in the second Joint Annual Meeting organised by the International Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA).
The INMM-ESARDA Joint Annual Meeting serves as a prominent platform for knowledge exchange, networking and fostering cooperation among professionals in the nuclear field. By participating in this event, ONN had the opportunity to contribute to the discussions, share insights and collaborate with key stakeholders from the global nuclear community.
ONN Research Consultant Vareliia Hesse has been actively engaged in organising the event as a member of the programme committee. In addition, she spoke in a panel discussion entitled Russian War Against Ukraine and the Future of the Nuclear Order, addressing the implications of the war for the nonproliferation regime.
ONN Analyst Jaewoo Shin presented a paper co-authored with ONN Regional Issues Strategist Veronika Bedenko and UNIDIR Senior Researcher Pavel Podvig on ONN’s contribution to the UNIDIR’s Menzingen Verification Experiment. This paper explains the findings of this project, related to the use of optical satellite imagery and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data in support of on-site verification inspections.
Finally, ONN Research & Analysis Manager Marcy Fowler co-chaired a panel on digital twins and data visualisation. Additionally, she presented at the closing plenary on how open-source information can be subject to disinformation, even in the nuclear realm, and what the nuclear community can do to disrupt it.
ONN looks forward to expanding its collaboration with INMM and ESARDA and commends both organisations for a successful and impactful week.
From 22 July to 2 August, Open Nuclear Network (ONN) participated in the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) for the 2026 Review Conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) in Geneva, Switzerland. This was the second of three sessions leading up to the 2026 Review Conference.