ONN/OEF and Secretary Albright Tackle Nuclear Risk Concerns

The op-ed suggests that the renewal would provide an opportunity to rebuild trust between the world's two great nuclear powers, the United States of America and Russia, and reaffirm the only current agreement that limits the size of American and Russian nuclear forces and provides vital verification and transparency measures.

In an op-ed released by the New York Times last week, Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, along with former Russian foreign minister Igor Ivanov, sounded an urgent alarm to “avoid a senseless and dangerous return to nuclear brinkmanship.” Calling for a renewal of the treaty known as New START (New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty), the op-ed suggests that the renewal would provide an opportunity to rebuild trust between the world’s two great nuclear powers, and reaffirm the only current agreement that both limits the size of American and Russian nuclear forces and provides vital verification and transparency measures including onsite inspections that help foster stability.

The release of the op-ed follows dialogues that occurred during the Aspen Minister’s Forum in late 2019 in Vienna, where OEF’s Open Nuclear Network (ONN) program director, Laura Rockwood, participated  as an internationally recognized subject matter expert.

About Open Nuclear Network

One Earth Future Foundation’s new Open Nuclear Network (ONN) programme is being established with a mission to reduce the risk of nuclear weapons use in response to error, uncertainty or misdirection, particularly in the context of escalating conflict. In line with the past decade of OEF’s accomplishments in peacebuilding and conflict resolution, the programme is designed to promote nuclear risk reduction through innovation, inclusion and dialogue. ONN programming will leverage open source data compiled through our specially developed software platform, Datayo, to produce informative briefs for decision makers, and is mobilizing an international network of trusted individuals known as the ONN Engagement Network to improve dialogue and de-escalate conflict that could lead to the use of nuclear weapons. ONN will officially launch its work from a new office in Vienna on 10 March 2020, with Laura Rockwood and Melissa Hanham leading the programme as Director and Deputy Director, respectively.

Read the Full Op-Ed

Read Secretary Albright’s full op-ed as well as the Official Statement from the Aspen Minister’s Forum.