News and Events

The latest news and events from Open Nuclear Network

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Showing 73 items for News and Events
February 02, 2023

ONN Launches Its First Nuclear Risk Reduction Newsletter

The Open Nuclear Network's Nuclear Risk Reduction Newsletter features an end-of-the-month summary of key developments on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia and updates on publications and activities by the ONN team and members of its Engagement Network, ONN's group of trusted advisers.
July 12, 2022

ONN Participated in 23rd World Korea Forum

On 29-30 June, ONN Director Laura Rockwood and ONN Analyst Jaewoo Shin participated in the 23rd World Korea Forum (WKF) co-hosted by the Korea Global Foundation and the University of Hawaii's Center for Korean Studies. This event brought together experts, lawmakers and former officials from Canad...
June 15, 2022

"It Is Not about Counting Women, It Is about Making Women Count."

ONN Director and International Gender Champion Laura Rockwood was invited to speak at the 5th Anniversary of the International Gender Champion Vienna Hub chaired by H.E. Ambassador Laura S.H. Holgate and hosting over 70 Champions, Alumni, Observers and their respective Focal Points. Laura Rockwood ...
March 11, 2022

ONN's Statement on Nuclear Escalation

Conflicts involving nuclear-armed States always pose some risk of escalating to nuclear weapons use. During times of heightened tensions and high stakes, it is only through dialogue and communications, based on credible information, that de-escalation and conflict resolution are possible.
February 25, 2022

Events in Ukraine - Potential for Impact on Korean Peninsula

Although the events that have taken place in Ukraine since the 24th of February would seem to have no direct impacts related to potential nuclear escalation on the Korean Peninsula, the ONN Analyst Team has begun consideration of potential unintended or tertiary impacts, as well as consideration of ...