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Showing 358 items for OEF in the Media
Elin Bergner
August 18, 2022

DPRK's Declared COVID-19 Victory and Implications for a Next Nuclear Test

On 10 August 2022, Kim Jong Un declared "victory" over the COVID-19 epidemic at the "National meeting of reviewing the emergency anti-epidemic work", while Kim Yo Jong reiterated previous North Korean claims that the virus had entered the country from South Korea and threatened to wipe out the South...
Tianran Xu
July 25, 2022

Emerging Capabilities? The Unflown SLBMs of the DPRK

In its October 2020, January 2021 and April 2022 military parades, the DPRK displayed three types of large submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs): the Pukguksong-4ㅅ, the Pukguksong-5ㅅand an unnamed SLBM, respectively. To date, none of these SLBMs have been flight tested and their developmenta...
July 12, 2022

ONN Participated in 23rd World Korea Forum

On 29-30 June, ONN Director Laura Rockwood and ONN Analyst Jaewoo Shin participated in the 23rd World Korea Forum (WKF) co-hosted by the Korea Global Foundation and the University of Hawaii's Center for Korean Studies. This event brought together experts, lawmakers and former officials from Canad...