News and Events

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Tianran Xu
Junio 17, 2022

Backgrounder: Previous DPRK Nuclear Tests

The DPRK has conducted six nuclear tests, each of which took place within months of long-range rocket or satellite launches. In anticipation of a possible seventh nuclear test, information on the first six tests has been compiled in this backrounder.
Junio 15, 2022

"It Is Not about Counting Women, It Is about Making Women Count."

ONN Director and International Gender Champion Laura Rockwood was invited to speak at the 5th Anniversary of the International Gender Champion Vienna Hub chaired by H.E. Ambassador Laura S.H. Holgate and hosting over 70 Champions, Alumni, Observers and their respective Focal Points. Laura Rockwood ...
Open Nuclear Network
Mayo 13, 2022

Factors Related to Past DPRK Nuclear Tests

In light of recent analyses about a possible next nuclear weapon test by the DPRK, ONN has compiled data related to each of the six previous nuclear weapon tests of the DPRK, specifically the timing of the previous tests, nuclear test site preparations, launch vehicle development, environmental fact...
Tianran Xu
Mayo 03, 2022

Overview of the DPRK's 25 April 2022 Military Parade

The 25 April 2022 military parade of the DPRK again demonstrated the will of the DPRK to execute its 2021-2025 weapon development plan. Kim Jong Un's parade speech also signaled that the DPRK's nuclear strategy is gradually shifting from strategic deterrence to battlefield use.